Welcome to The Hain Company's website! Here you will find information about the Hain Company and its line of innovative products that can help streamline your company. Our products are diversely used throughout the manufacturing industry to reduce labor costs, speed production and in turn making you more money.
The New stud driller has been released for production.
Hain's Sub Component Nailer (SCN) will speed up your production of wall panel, window, door, and other sub components.
The Hain Systems Framer (HSF) will help you build square and accurate open wall panels for residential or commercial construction applications.
The Vent Block Drill (VBD) is designed to make lumber, truss and wall panel manufacturing yards more efficient by easily converting scrap wood into useable vent (frieze) blocks in seconds.
The Measuring System (MEA) is the fastest, most consistent way to measure and cut your product! Read more about where this machine can be used, and how it can be added to your existing sawing equipment.
The Folding Measuring System (FMEA) provides the same fast accurate measuring and cutting as the original MEA but in a smaller, portable version.
The Table Measuring System (TMEA) provides the same fast accurate measuring and cutting as the original MEA but in a smaller version.
The Portable Measuring System (PMEA) provides the same fast accurate measuring and cutting as the original MEA but in a smaller, portable version.
The Manual Measuring System (MMEA) adjusts quickly with a turn of a handle without changing the operator's position on the line.